8th Grade Baby Picture Ad

Follow these steps to create a baby picture ad for the yearbook:

  • Click here to design your baby picture ad:

  • Select: "Shop Yearbook Recognition Ads."

  • Login or create an account to begin creating your ad.

Please review the following guidelines carefully if you plan to submit a baby picture ad for the yearbook:

Note: Baby pictures will only be published if they meet the following requirements:

  • Each student may submit a MAXIMUM of two baby picture ads.

  • Submitted pictures should depict newborns to children up to age 5. Current pictures of 8th-grade students will not be published.

  • Ensure a heartfelt message accompanies the baby picture(s).

    (*If your message is in another language, kindly email a translation of the message to Mrs. LoPresti @ mlopresti@plps.org or Ms. Neville @ mneville@plps.org.)

Helpful tips for Creating your Best Ad:

  • Match the orientation of your photo to the picture box for the best appearance (horizontal vs. vertical orientation).

  • Utilize clear, high-resolution photos to ensure the highest quality in your ad.

  • Focus on your student and craft a personal message that holds sentimental value.

  • Use the cropping tools available on the website to eliminate unnecessary backgrounds and highlight your student.

  • Should you have any inquiries about the yearbook or baby picture submissions, don't hesitate to contact Tim McGovern @ 877-767-5217.